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Wolframite, Zinnwaldite

Cínovec , Krušné Hory Mts, Ústí Region (Bohemia), Czech Republic

Item-No.: MIN0159

Price: 130.00 EUR


Cínovec , Krusné Hory Mts, Ústí Region (Bohemia), Czech Republic

Item-No.: MIN5491

Price: 95.00 EUR

Synonyms:  Lithioeisenglimmer
IMA Status:  Discredited, no longer a species - a series of trioctahedral micas on, or close to, the siderophyllite-polylithionite
Classification:  Silicates, Phyllosilicates, Mica Group
Chemical formula:  KLiFe2+Al(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2
Crystal system:  Monoclinic
Density (g/cm3):  2,9 - 3,02 measured, 2,831 calculated
Tenacity:  Elastic, flexible
Cleavage:  Perfect on {001}
Fracture:  Micaceous
Hardness (Mohs):  2,5 - 4
Colour:  Silver-grey, green-grey, greyish-brown, yellowish-brown
Lustre:  Vitreous, Pearly
Streak:  White
Type locality:  Cínovec / Zinnwald (Cinvald), Erzgebirge; Krusné Hory Mts, Germany & Czech Republic
Application:  Important source of Lithium