Orpiment, Realgar
Item-No.: MINS1613 Price: 38.00 EUR
Cavnic, Munti Metalifory, Romania
Orpiment, Realgar
Item-No.: MINS2471 Price: 75.00 EUR
Getchell Mine, Humbolds Co. Nevada, USA
Synonyms: | Eolite, Realgarite, Red Arsenic, Red Orpigment, Risigallo, Risigallum, Ruby Sulphur, Sandaracha |
Classification: | Sulfides |
Chemical formula: | AsS |
Crystal system: | Monoclinic |
Density (g/cm3): | 3,56 measured , 3,59 calculated |
Tenacity: | Sectile, slightly brittle |
Cleavage: | Good on {010}, less good on {100}, {101}, {120}, {110} |
Fracture: | Sub-conchoidal |
Hardness (Mohs): | 1,5 - 2 |
Colour: | Dark red to orange-red |
Lustre: | Resinous, greasy |
Streak: | Orange-red to red |
Warning: | Realgar is toxic! Decomposes to orange pararealgar with exposure to light |
Application: | Pyrotechnic article, pesticide production |