Speetoniceras versicolor (Trautschold)

Item number: FOS7615

Price: EUR 325.00 

(incl. sales tax 7%).Gross price is indicated for recipient country = Germany. Net EUR 303.74. Amount of sales tax depends on delivery address (EU sales tax reform as of July 1, 2021). Country setting can be changed in the shopping cart.

Well preserved Cretaceous ammonite has a diameter of 19 cm. This cephalopod has strong ribs that bifurcate near the rounded keel. The ribbing pattern of the mollusk are well developed. The colorful lustrous surface of pyritized shell in combination with some rests of well preserved pearly shows wounderful details.

Format 17x19x5 cm
Size 190 mm
Weight 2.1 kg
Locality Shilovka, Vologda district, Wolga river, , Russia
Age Lower Cretaceous, Hauterivian (125 MY)

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